Supporting the father of the baby can be key to saving lives

At Care Net, we work hard to show women facing an unplanned pregnancy they have alternatives to abortion. But sometimes all the love, compassion and support we offer isn’t enough to offset the influence of the father of the baby – F.O.B. The encouragement and support of the father –or lack of those things—can mean the difference between life and death for his precious, unborn child.  And that’s why the fatherhood program at Care Net is so vitally important.  Here’s how it recently saved a baby’s life.

Devin* felt abortion was the best option for him and his girlfriend but was still conflicted. The mom leaned toward keeping the baby but felt compelled to follow Devin’s lead. When asked by our nurse if he was open to talking to a man on staff of like-faith, Devin agreed.

Enter Dave, our Director of Operations.  For 45 minutes, while the rest of the staff prayed, Dave connected with this dad and the beginnings of a relationship were created. They exchanged contact info and met again a few days later.

Not long after that, Dave received the e-mail he’d been hoping for: Devin and his girlfriend had decided to keep the baby! Dave continues to meet with Devin to support, counsel, and encourage him as he and his girlfriend prepare for the birth of their baby.

We are excited to announce that three men on staff have recently been trained in Care Net’s fatherhood program — two at the main office, and one on the mobile clinic!  The Fatherhood program not only encourages dads to choose life, but also provides mentoring and counsel to help these men be the best dad they can be for their child.

Care Net recognizes the “FOB” is “key” before the baby is born and for years to come as the parents work together to create a healthy, flourishing family. Your support helps ensure these men get the help they need to be the best dads possible.

Thank you for helping Devin “unlock” and walk through the door to fatherhood!