¿Que pasa? First Care and a Miracle

Gabriela* thought she was pregnant. And unlike many women we see, she was happy about it. But she started spotting and was concerned about a miscarriage. She searched online and found our clinic. Now she could find out for sure about her pregnancy and talk with someone about her fears of losing her baby. Gabriela … Continued

So Much Going Wrong

“I don’t know how I can carry this pregnancy. I have so much stuff in my life that’s going wrong,” Jayla* told our nurse. Jayla has a beautiful little toddler. She doesn’t know how she can be a good mom to another child with everything else happening in her life. The relationship she’s been in … Continued

We Can’t Help You

“I called (a women’s health clinic) and was told that if I was going to carry my baby to term, there wasn’t really anything they could do to help me,” Haley* told our nurse. They refused to provide an ultrasound if she did not plan to have an abortion. This clinic’s website says they provide, … Continued

“Good Job!”

Kimoni* and Ada* had recently moved to Madison when they suspected Ada was pregnant. They were married and excited to start their family. But being new to the area, they had no connections and didn’t yet have jobs. They were part of a church but didn’t yet know anyone very well. They found our clinic … Continued

The Best Tool

Molly* has struggled with substance abuse all her adult life. She’s been in and out of rehab and done better and worse. The end of 2017 was part of the worse. She relapsed. Molly went to get help and started rehab. During this time she met a guy. After she’d been out of rehab and … Continued

To Proclaim Freedom

What does Care Net have to do with proclaiming freedom? Aren’t we about saving and changing lives? Yes! But we are about much more than saving lives of innocent, unborn children – as critical as that is. God has called us to serve women and men making pregnancy decisions. To offer them support and needed … Continued

I’m Pregnant. I’m Overwhelmed. I Want…

5 ways to help a friend

“I’m Pregnant. I’m Overwhelmed. I Want an Abortion” What would you do if a friend or family member confided this to you? How would you respond? What could you do to help your friend through this challenging time? Start by taking a deep breath. Then remember 3 things NOT to do and 5 things to … Continued

Who’s Having Abortions?

The average woman who has an abortion: Is single Is between 15 and 24 years old Does not have any other children Lives in poverty Is not religious These are prevalent ideas but only two of them are true. So which are they? If you guessed A and D, you are correct. While sometimes women who … Continued

Two Lives End Today

What if today’s headline read, “Man on the verge of discovering a cure for AIDS killed” and no one mourned? Or “16 year old girl killed in tragic accident” and there was no funeral to be held? We would be saddened and dismayed. Yet every day in Dane County, two lives end in abortion, mostly … Continued

Beginning Advent

As we begin the beautiful season of Advent, we have much for which we are thankful. Virtually every day, at least one person walks through our doors bringing in beautiful handmade baby blankets, baby clothes, diapers or other baby items to provide tangible gifts for the moms, dads and babies we serve. Many weeks, a … Continued