In Spanish! From the Womb: Love and Protect the Human Life

In Spanish. Care Net is co-sponsoring this special event featuring Mayra Rodriguez. Mayra was a director of Planned Parenthood and is now a pro-life advocate. With many cultural forces trying to influence our families, join us for a discussion on how to help our families resist abortion and create a culture of life. Free childcare … Continued

Finding Your Role in the Battle for Life

Care Net is sponsoring a special two-day event with St Thomas Aquinas. From Planned Parenthood Director to Pro-Life Leader: Mayra Rodriquez will share her powerful conversion testimony and encourage you to find your unique place in the pro-life movement. Join us! No registration is needed. Friday’s event is in English. Saturday’s event is in Spanish. … Continued

Breakfast in the Dells

Breakfast in the Dells! Join us in the Dells at the Glacier Canyon Conference Center on May 10 at 8:00 am as we celebrate the work God is doing to help women in the surrounding area through Care Net’s mobile clinic. Hear plans to expand services and learn how you can get involved in the … Continued

Annual Fundraising Banquet

Our annual fundraising banquet will take place on a TUESDAY this year at Monona Terrace. Stay tuned for more details or contact Sue at to sponsor, attend, or help with the event.

Service Project- Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteers needed to help sort, organize, move and reorganize supplies. If you’ve been looking for a one-time project to help with, or something for you and friends or a small group to do together, this could be just the thing! We’re looking for 6 to 8 volunteers to help us get our supplies sorted and … Continued

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

January 21 commemorates National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. A proclamation made by President Ronald Regan in 1984, forty years ago, is still observed today. This is a special day when churches all over America take time to remember that God created all life – and each and every one of them has a purpose … Continued

Whole Heart After Abortion Healing Class

One in four women have experienced an abortion before the age of 35. Are you one of them? Or maybe you have been impacted by a friend or moved by one’s experience? You may be a friend or family member impacted by a loved one’s experience. This is a safe space to process your abortion … Continued

Giving Tuesday TRIPLE MATCH

The first $5,000 received between Tuesday, November 28 and Tuesday, December 5 is eligible for a triple match, thanks to some of our generous donors! If you are looking for an incredible way to triple your impact, thi sis the time! Donate here:

Open House!

We’re closing our offices so YOU can come tour! Enjoy refreshments and time to see what happens in our clinic and maternity home and mobile clinic to help women and men facing an unintended pregnancy. It’s a drop-in schedule from noon to 6:00 PM on Friday, December 1, 2023. See how resources are being provided, … Continued

Take a Tour!

Come see what Care Net is doing in our community to help women and men facing unintended pregnancies. Visit First Care Clinic and The Elizabeth House and find out how you can get involved! Tours take place the second Tuesday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00PM. Fill out this form to schedule your tour today!