Lydia* has a new peace and confidence she didn’t have before. She had just returned to the US after living abroad for many years to visit her sister to escape boyfriend troubles and wasn’t there long before learning she was pregnant.

Lydia felt truly alone, depressed and overwhelmed. Her sister was only expecting to host her for a short visit. Their relationship was already strained. Lydia came to Care Net to confirm her pregnancy and that’s where she learned she carried not one life, but two. Where could she go? How could she protect these two little lives?

The answer: by living at The Elizabeth House, our home for pregnant moms.

Lydia quickly said “yes” to our invitation and described the sense of gaining an instant family. “The staff and women I’ve met have been amazing. I made wonderful friends and now have people to share this journey with: I’m not alone anymore.”

Living at The Elizabeth House allowed Lydia to build resources, find a job, make  friends and create a community. “Instead of worrying about where I’m going to sleep and how I’m going to pay bills and get through the day, I’ve been able to focus on the future,” said Lydia. “I had no job and no savings when I got here—I started at ground zero.”

This nurturing environment allowed Lydia to gain confidence and provided the support she needed to navigate the struggles that come with being a single mom. And her “instant family” rallied around Lydia.

When Lydia’s twins tried to make an early appearance, she had to spend several weeks in the hospital. But her “family” was there. “The visits from the other moms and staff were the brightest parts of the day and really helped see me through,” said Lydia.

Today Lydia and her twin boys continue to live at the Elizabeth House. Although the babies were premature, they are strong, healthy, and thriving.

We’re blessed by the moms who call The Elizabeth House “home.” Lydia’s friendly and welcoming spirit has helped many other women adjust to life in our community. And during her pregnancy, she was always jumping in to lend a helping hand with chores, cooking or to nurture a baby. She is a great model for other moms. We’re thankful for the opportunity to be a part of Lydia’s journey!

Lydia and her twins are a triple blessing that was made possible because of the love and concern of our supporters. Thank you for all you do.

*names changed