Like most teams, we want to get better at what we do. In our case, that’s to build something lasting in the lives of those we’re called to serve and to save more lives physically and eternally. Our commitment to continual improvement would be a challenge even if we operated in a vacuum, but of course we don’t. And the impact of cultural change—much of which flies in the face of our beliefs—adds an extra layer of challenge to our efforts.

Although it’s tempting to wish for a magic pill that could instantly improve our ability to serve the men and women who turn to us, we all know there’s no such thing. Fortunately, we have something even better: God. He is the firm, unchanging rock of love and faithfulness from which we can minister and serve. And with Him at our side, we have stamina and courage and know our prayer and hard work will bear more kingdom fruit—in everything from medical services to residential care.

In the spirit of continual improvement, the Care Net team has been working diligently in three critical areas that I’d like to tell you more about.

One is The Elizabeth House.  In God’s perfect timing, we have been afforded the opportunity to re-evaluate and reflect on The Elizabeth House model and the impact it’s had over the last 18 years.  We’re overseeing a comprehensive community needs assessment and have learned a great deal from a host of agency leaders throughout our community about their experiences with pregnant women in unstable housing situations. We’re taking time to repair and update the space some 200 moms and babies have called home. And this month, during the Board of Director’s Strategic Planning session, we’ll review all we’ve learned and discuss how to implement changes to better serve the shifting needs of pregnant and newly parenting moms.  We’ll be designing new and improved processes, while staying committed to who we are as a holistic program. We’re excited to make The Elizabeth House an even better resource for the moms and babies who need us most. Stay tuned!

We’ll also be making changes in the medical clinic. We’ve often found the offer of ultrasound services to be instrumental in softening hearts toward a life decision. Time and again we’ve heard some version of “Now it’s my baby. I can’t go through with the abortion,” after a mom has watched her child on an ultrasound. And that’s why we’re especially excited to let you know we’re investing in equipment with advanced technology capabilities, that will give our undecided moms and dads additional clarity around their decision. We believe that through this upgrade in equipment, coupled with your prayers, God will be at work changing more hearts and saving more lives of His unborn children. 

Last, but certainly not least, is the upcoming launch of our 40-foot mobile medical unit. We’ll be bringing a compassionate life presence to neighborhoods with limited access to life-affirming resources and we’re very excited to connect and serve. This aspect of our ministry will be a significant change. We will often be going places where there is little or no awareness of our organization and it will require concerted prayer and adjustments along the way to become a trusted resource. Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue this exciting journey.  

We will always be God’s work in progress. But because of the prayers, volunteer efforts and financial support of you, our faithful friends, we are empowered to confront whatever challenges come our way.

Together we can help create God’s kingdom on earth. Thank you for all you do.