Reflections from the desk of CEO, Sara Patterson

Thirty seven years ago, something tragic happened to me: I discovered I was pregnant.

Seventeen and a high school dropout, I’d just found the courage and self-confidence to walk away from an abusive relationship. I had dreams of a better future – dreams of getting a high school diploma, even going to college. Having a life that didn’t involve being trapped in poverty and unhealthy relationships.

This month, I get to see the “tragic pregnancy” that is now my son, marry the love of his life. When I reflect on the years of being his mother and the immense joy and richness he has brought to my life, I wonder how I ever could have thought “This is the worst thing that can happen to me.”

But then, I have the advantage of 37 years of seeing God’s faithfulness and grace shaping my life –shaping my son’s life. Hindsight clearly reveals this was the best thing that could happen to me. This child would change my life. Change me. Change how I thought about God and His blessings. I know too, that if God was not in my story and in my son’s story – well, it makes me shiver! Because I would be trapped in poverty and unhealthy relationships. And I wouldn’t have my beautiful son.

That’s why this ministry is so special to me. I wish I had a time machine so I could take every pregnant woman ahead 37 years to see how her own child could shape and change her into the woman and mother God’s called them to be.

There is no time machine. But at Care Net, we can still share this vision. Every day in the clinic and maternity home, we walk alongside a woman who is walking through her own tragic and uncertain experience. We demonstrate God’s love through our compassion and care, and we point the way to Jesus.

Every day, there is another pregnant woman who needs to replace the images of a bleak and desperate future with a vision of flourishing. I’m so blessed to partner with you – our supporters – and the many churches who join us in this mission. Together we’re making it possible for another mother to experience the richness, privilege and blessing of raising a son or daughter. Of experiencing the difference that God can make through our “tragedies.”

Say Hello to my son and his beautiful wife on their wedding day!