Better than a “Dr. Phil”

One week shy of her 40th birthday, Katessa was not expecting to learn she was pregnant. “I had just gone through a lot of reorganization in my life. Clearing out some toxic relationships, finding a new workplace, and focusing on getting myself healthier, eating and exercising, running marathons.”

Katessa needed help and frantically searched for resources online. She saw that First Care Clinic had a mobile unit, minutes away from her house. And was relieved to know we could see her the same day.

“Fight or flight. That’s all my brain would contemplate,” Katessa said, “I desperately needed someone to talk to. I needed a ‘Dr. Phil’. ”

Confidentiality and the ease that Billie Jo, the nurse on duty, greeted her with, made it possible for Katessa to share what she was going through.

“She had so much to process, and I could see she was scared,” remembered Billie Jo.“She was worried about her age and the fact that this wasn’t a planned pregnancy. You could see that past trauma was all bubbling up for her.”

As a 40-year-old mother of two, Katessa felt ashamed and embarrassed.

“I needed to express myself and unburden it all. I’m so grateful that Billie Jo was there and that she allowed me the time I needed to work through all these crazy
emotions. Because once I could do that, I could think clearly.”

The ultrasound was a very emotional experience for both Billie Jo and Katessa. The majority of our patients come to us in the early weeks of pregnancy, but Katessa was already six months pregnant. Her baby was extremely active, sucking its thumb and kicking at the ultrasound wand. Katessa felt like she was meeting the new little person who was soon to join her family.

“When I stepped off the mobile clinic, I felt relief. I felt like I had a plan to move forward and people who cared,” Katessa shared.

That sense of support was especially important. Because of the changes she had made to take charge of her life, Katessa had no one to entrust with her big news—her social circle was very small.

But that day it grew exponentially. Now, Billie Jo and Katessa talk often. Our care coordinator calls to check in with Katessa to see how she’s doing and what support she might need during this stage of her journey. And our team has been there to assist her with both material needs and emotional support.

Today, Katessa is the proud mom of a beautiful baby boy. “I don’t believe his presence on this earth is a mistake. He is a blessing. I’m excited to see what he will do with his life.”

Today, Katessa is the proud mom of a beautiful baby boy. “I don’t believe his presence on this earth is a mistake. He is a blessing. I’m excited to see what he will do with his life.”

You can help ensure the next Katessa gets the help she and her baby need to thrive. Consider making a gift to support our mobile clinic – so every Katessa can find her “Dr Phil”. Thank you for all you do to walk with moms in need throughout their pregnancy and parenting journeys.