Kylie, Care Net volunteer nurse
“How cool is it that the students who visited Care Net are thinking about sex and marriage in the same sentence?” Kylie, Care Net volunteer nurse

“Some days I just leave the school hoping that someone took what I said to heart. Other days I am totally encouraged by their comments.” Kylie, Care Net volunteer nurse

Kylie has been busy giving presentations about sexually transmitted infections in middle and high schools for Care Net’s First Care Clinic. Recently she heard something from a couple middle school students that encouraged and excited her!

Kylie relays the day’s happenings.

“At the beginning of each class I explain that I am from Care Net’s First Care Clinic. I ask if anyone has heard of Care Net and if so, if they would share what they know about it.

“On this particular day, I taught two classes. In both classes, students raised their hands. Each of them shared stories about serving at Care Net. They stated that they visited Care Net with their youth group.

“When that happens, Care Net becomes more tangible to students – because their peers have heard of it and have been there.

“At the end of the presentation I asked our closing question, ‘Is there such a thing as safe sex?’ This is the critical thinking question, and the answers are quite funny sometimes.

“After letting each class think about it and with some mixed responses, in both classes the student who said he/she had been to Care Net answered my question with this answer: ‘Marriage.’

“I was so excited that both of these students responded this way!

“Our presentation summarizes it like this, ‘Safe sex is possible with two uninfected partners in a mutually faithful, lifelong relationship such as marriage.’ How cool is it that the students that had visited Care Net are thinking about sex and marriage in the same sentence?!” 

Perhaps these two students heard this and took it to heart from their church or maybe from their parents. But they also may have learned about God’s design for sex in marriage when they were at Care Net! We are thrilled to partner together with parents, churches and area public schools to make a difference in the lives of teens in our community.