Among my greatest joys in life have been the moments when a grandchild came to me to be picked up and held. It has touched my heart to be the person they trusted and turned to when they were frightened, overwhelmed or in need of comfort.  

At Care Net we have a similar experience when a mother who’s in the midst of difficult circumstances decides she can trust us to provide the hope and healing she needs. 

When a woman caught in an unexpected pregnancy comes to First Care Clinic, she’s often emotionally and physically exhausted.  In that hour, we have the privilege of picking her up, holding her and comforting her.  We provide a compassionate, non-judgmental listening ear and the accurate information she needs to sort through the web of confusion and explore her true options. 

Our culture has given the message that her choices are limited.  We show her there is another way and that we will continue to pick her up, hold and comfort her—regardless of her path and at every stage of her journey. And when we have the blessing of a precious baby, who by the grace of God has had their life spared, we are reminded and encouraged to continue holding fast to the truth.  

In the coming months, we’ll be doing this in a brand-new way: a 40-ft. accredited mobile medical unit that will bring care and services, including a new 3D/4D ultrasound machine, to struggling women throughout Dane County. Because you believe in being proactive, we will soon be able to reach women living in under-served communities with limited transportation.  And our unit will serve as a giant mobile billboard, traveling throughout Dane County and spreading the word that women have real choices.  

The unit will begin offering services on October 29. We’ll let you know when and where you can experience our mobile clinic for yourself!

May God richly bless you for believing in the miracle of life and helping us serve the women, men, and babies who need us most.