Where Life Stands at the One-Year Mark

It’s been one year since the historic decision to overturn Roe V Wade put the abortion debate in the hands of each state. 

You may be wondering, “What’s changed?” “ What’s the same?” and “Is it still business as usual for women and men considering abortion?”

In Wisconsin, it’s been illegal to obtain an abortion for 365 days. That doesn’t mean abortion has disappeared. We may never know how many women have crossed state lines to access abortion services or who purchased abortion pills through the mail. Or how many women and men have felt they had no choice but to end the life of their preborn child.

But we do know that there are women who might have opted for an abortion in the past, who have instead chosen to have their babies over the course of this past year.

Both are reasons why we must continue our vital work and give women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy the support they need to choose life.  

Normally, I don’t like to share a lot of numbers, because they can take our thoughts away from the humanity and frailty of each individual and their unique circumstance.  But here’s a number that tells a story of its own:  The number of women looking for help from Care Net’s First Care Clinic. In 2021 we received an average of 57 calls per month. In 2023, we’re averaging 85 calls. That’s a 50% increase. 

But that’s just half the story. The Elizabeth House, Care Net’s live-in maternity and parenting home, has remained full and we’ve consistently had women waiting for a room to open for them—something that wasn’t always true in the past.

Some of the women looking for a place to live have experienced an abortion. I remember clearly the words from a recent woman, Tania, who said through broken sobs, “I had an abortion last year. I don’t ever want to go through that again. I’m trying to find another option.” 

Friends, does that cut through your heart? Tania is “trying to find another option.”  She’s doing the best she can to save herself from the pain she experienced from the empty promise that an abortion would make her problems go away with no ill after-effect. Thankfully, she won’t buy the lie again. And she’s seeking help. 

Now, one-year post-Roe, your support is as critical as it’s ever been—and, potentially, more so.  You can help make sure that there are always other options for women like Tania. Options that include emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial support that help a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy find the courage to say “Yes” to her precious baby. 

Isn’t that what God asks us to do, after all?  1 John 3:17-18 reminds us it’s not enough to talk the talk. We have to walk it too. “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”

And right now, we need people like you, who share our belief in the importance of serving the moms, dads and babies who count on us, to back up that belief with financial support. Because here’s the truth: as our ministry grows to meet the needs of these women and families, so do our financial requirements. If you’re not already a financial supporter, I encourage you to join us today in making a gift. Even better, would you consider becoming a monthly donor?

Monthly donors keep a steady income coming in month after month, which allows us to plan.  I can’t think of a better way to commemorate this important anniversary than making that ongoing commitment.  If you’re already a monthly donor and want to get more involved, contact us. There’s a lot we can do together!

As we come to the end of this first year of fully embracing life in Wisconsin, please continue to pray for and support the moms, dads, and babies who desperately need someone in their corner. Together, we are making a difference.  Moms like Tania are proof of the good work we’re accomplishing together.