Give Us This Day

You Have Probably Heard About #Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a day planned for giving back after we celebrate Thanksgiving with family and then begin the holiday shopping season with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So sit back and take a few minutes to reflect. How has God blessed you? We hope you will share … Continued

A Graduate’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant, I never questioned whether or not I was going to have her. I always knew I wanted her, but I also knew things in my life had to change. I was living place to place and didn’t have a stable home of my own. I didn’t know what … Continued

It Could Be a Wonderful Life

by Liz Osborn Excerpted from “Our Role in Redemption” speech delivered at the Annual Care Net Fundraising Banquet on November 3, 2016. Every life matters. Every life is worth celebrating. Every person is worth saving. There’s a word for this process. It’s called “redemption.” Redemption is buying back and restoring that which was lost. Redemption … Continued

Five Ways to Help a Friend

5 ways to help a friend

Recently I was talking with a woman I’ll call Leslie. Leslie told me that she wished more people knew about Care Net. Then she told me why. Leslie has a friend who had been pregnant and ended her pregnancy. Leslie knew about Care Net, but didn’t know how to talk with her friend about Care Net … Continued


Welcome to the Friends of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Dane County website. We are glad you are visiting our new site! Perhaps you have been a friend of Care Net for a long time or perhaps you have only recently learned about the life-affirming work that many friends of Care Net make possible. Whether … Continued