You Gave Breana a Home

And now she’s giving back. A home is so much more than a roof and four walls. It’s a place where most of us find love and support, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. But sadly, some of the women we serve have never experienced that kind of home. Breana was one of those young … Continued

First Steps

Stephanie* turned away from the sink and held out her hands toward Carter*, her not-quite-one-year-old son. Carter’s face nearly exploded with a smile as he exuberantly teetered the six steps toward his mother. The other moms of The Elizabeth House, sitting around the dinner table, cheered him on. All burst out with praise as they … Continued

Prayer works!

“Prayer works!” exclaimed Kayla.* “Tell everyone who prayed for me, ‘thank you.’ The company offered me a job on the spot!” Kayla’s summer job is coming to an end and she has been applying for a permanent position to start this fall. She came home from her interview nearly jumping for joy! She had been … Continued

Is a Second Chance Enough?

Homelessness is a serious problem in Madison and throughout Wisconsin. 70 to 90 pregnant women are homeless each year in Madison alone, according to a 2016 report commissioned by the Wisconsin State Journal. Pregnant women who are homeless face particular challenges. They are less likely to receive prenatal care or prenatal vitamins. They are unlikely … Continued

Women’s Health Every Day

May 14-20 is National Women’s Health Week. At Care Net, we talk about women’s health every day and in many ways. We equip young women to make small, daily healthy life choices that affect their overall health. You probably think first of our core medical services that we offer free of charge to women: pregnancy … Continued

Now I Get It

Volunteering at Care Net Hits Home for Katie Julie, our COO, received this text from Katie who volunteers in our clinic teaching infant CPR and first aid for our childbirth education classes, and works for UW Health in their wellness department. “Every time I come in, I’m excited to see what I’m going to get,” … Continued

Introducing an Exemplary Woman

Before Black History Month ends, we’d like to take a few minutes to introduce you to (or help you become better acquainted with) a dedicated and godly African American leader in our midst, Annetta Wright, Director of The Elizabeth House. Annetta has been with Care Net as The Elizabeth House Director for since 2010. She … Continued

All This Marching

All this marching…now what? Hundreds of thousands of people have descended upon Washington in the last couple weeks. Some to be a part of the Women’s March on January 21 and others to join in the March for Life on January 27. A few may have been part of both events. Many of those who … Continued

Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas. It means so much to so many. For three new graduates of The Elizabeth House, it means moving into their very own places with their new babies – just in time for Christmas! Each mom is now equipped with the tools she needs to be the strong, independent woman God has called … Continued

A Graduate’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant, I never questioned whether or not I was going to have her. I always knew I wanted her, but I also knew things in my life had to change. I was living place to place and didn’t have a stable home of my own. I didn’t know what … Continued