When we talk about saving and changing lives, we really mean it. The essence of what we do every day makes the difference between life and death. For every day that life hangs in the balance, you make saving and changing lives possible.

As we look back on the year behind us we are celebrating what God has done in 2017. As we look forward to the year ahead we are anticipating what He will do in 2018 and beyond. You’ve made a difference for life in 2017.

It’s no coincidence that 96% of our clients rated our services and their experience as excellent. And not one of our clients rated their experience as anything less than good. It’s because of what we offer: Compassionate care. A welcoming environment, friendly staff and excellent medical care are the basis for the care we provide.

Ratings from Clients
96% of our clients responding to exit surveys rated their visit as excellent.

We want to save the lives of babies. But we also want to equip and empower the women and men making those pregnancy decisions to make the best choice. It is ultimately their decision. Our role is to give them the best evidence-based medical information available and offer them emotional support and practical resources. We can help alleviate barriers toward a life decision.

2018 Impact Report
You are making a difference for life! Download this 2018 Impact Report.



People like you made it possible for us to provide over 1,000 client visits in 2017. You’ve read some of their stories over the past year. Their stories encapsulate what you made possible:

  • An opportunity to see life through medically indicated ultrasound for 97 women like Jessica*. Jessica was overwhelmed and scared when she first came to us for pregnancy testing. She felt she needed to end her pregnancy. At her ultrasound appointment she told us she would carry to term and parent her baby. Read Jessica’s story.
  • Education on pregnancy, breastfeeding and parenting for women and men like Lindsey* and Nathan*. Lindsey first came to us for STI testing but her tests revealed a shock: she was pregnant. Read how Lindsay and Nathan made their pregnancy decision. Also read about their commitment to becoming the best parents they could be through pregnancy and parenting education and a male mentor for Nathan.
  • STI testing for 218 women like Megan*. Megan was also one of the clients with whom we a spiritual conversation. Read more about Megan.
  • Stephanie* and her baby with a safe, nurturing home in The Elizabeth House. Stephanie and her son, Carter, were two of the 22 moms and babies who called The Elizabeth House home in 2017. Stephanie experienced this caring community that became like family. She was a part of rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn. Read about a celebration in Stephanie’s life.

Providing these things and more saves lives and changes hearts. Women and couples are empowered to make the life-affirming choices they really want to make. Young women and men are learning what healthy relationships look like. Moms and dads are learning how to be the best parents they can be.

As appropriate, we share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with each woman or man who enters our doors. Sometimes this is in words. Sometimes it is in the kind manner in which our staff and volunteers care for each person. We hope and pray for transformation in the hearts and minds of those we serve.

In 2017, one of our strategic goals was to increase the number of women who came to us for pregnancy testing. That number increased by 9% over 2016. In 2018, we are seeking to continue this increase. The women and men who are facing unintended pregnancies and face many obstacles are the ones we need to see to make a difference life. That is why this goal is so important.

In the year ahead, we will continue to save the lives of babies. We seek to see God transform the hearts and minds of women and men. Thank you for standing with us to protect the vulnerable and to bring help, hope and healing to each person who walks through our doors.

You are making a difference for life!

*Names changed to protect privacy.