
from the desk of Sara Patterson, CEO My husband recently said to me, “I want to help people; I just don’t want to get involved in their mess.” I chuckled because I understood the feeling.  Truth is, I have thought the same thing. And yet, that’s what God calls us to do.  To follow Christ … Continued

I was at a loss

“I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to think, what to do or what to feel.”  That’s how Nina* felt when she arrived at our clinic. A young teenager, Nina was hoping to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible.  But her mom, Penelope*, found out and brought her to our clinic.   Penelope … Continued

What is the most we can do?

I’ve been reflecting on that thought a lot lately.  In a culture obsessed with doing the minimum necessary, it’s unexpected to find a place that’s willing to do the “most” it can for you. When I think about the example of Christ, I think about how He did the most He could, even giving up His own … Continued

Celebrating one month of “doing life” at The Elizabeth House

Guest author, Katherine Higgins, shares her experience of working at The Elizabeth House.  Last month I started working at The Elizabeth House. After learning the program and getting used to the rhythm of the place, two aspects immediately stick out to me. First, The Elizabeth House is a home, shared by roommates who live in … Continued

New Sign—Same Great Place!

Check out our new outdoor sign Although our ministry partners and volunteers know us as “Care Net,” our patients know us by our clinic name, First Care Clinic. So, you can imagine the confusion when patients who found us online or through our ads or mobile clinic drove up to a building with a big … Continued

Lachelle discovered the truth about us

“I went to [another women’s clinic], but it was not at all like my visit here,” Lachelle* told the nurse at a recent appointment. She was here for testing and treatment for an STI and had recently been to another clinic that provided sexual health services. The nurse asked Lachelle to tell her more. “I … Continued

How you’re helping

There is so much pain and suffering in our world and in our community. The past couple of weeks, calls to our clinic and maternity home have greatly increased. The pandemic continues to take its toll, as more people fall victim to its destruction. And I’m not talking about the ones who test positive. It’s … Continued

In the midst of the crisis: We remain focused

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we are making changes to keep our staff and patients safe while remaining focused on our mission. We are following all local, state and federal guidelines and our medical advisory team is continually monitoring the situation and making recommended changes. Our bricks and mortar clinic is still open … Continued

From My Heart

With the New Year before us we’re excited about how God will continue to direct and move our life-affirming mission forward. You’ve likely heard our Mobile Clinic will expand to three days and possibly four during the summer months. These additional days will happen because of your compassion and generosity. Thank you. I also want … Continued

Loving Our Neighbors

God commands us in His Word to Love our neighbor as we love ourselves. At Care Net, we believe that we can love our neighbor by modeling a Christ-like response to women and men who are making important life decisions. For us, that means leaving judgment at the door. We instead focus on showing compassion … Continued