Life is Different Now

Life is different now.  A medical crisis can turn your world upside down.   One minute your life is filled with plans and dreams. The next, they’re wiped away without warning.  That’s what happened to Jodie* when her boyfriend, Tim, the father of their infant daughter, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Aggressive surgery and treatments … Continued

This is Courage

At Care Net, we’ve seen some incredible displays of courage. Jaclyn* visited our First Care Clinic looking for information on abortion. She was in a relationship that had gone from bad to worse and was experiencing intense pressure to end her pregnancy.  She told the nurse, “The father told me to ‘kill it’ and he … Continued

So Much Going Wrong

“I don’t know how I can carry this pregnancy. I have so much stuff in my life that’s going wrong,” Jayla* told our nurse. Jayla has a beautiful little toddler. She doesn’t know how she can be a good mom to another child with everything else happening in her life. The relationship she’s been in … Continued

We Can’t Help You

“I called (a women’s health clinic) and was told that if I was going to carry my baby to term, there wasn’t really anything they could do to help me,” Haley* told our nurse. They refused to provide an ultrasound if she did not plan to have an abortion. This clinic’s website says they provide, … Continued

You Gave Natalia Courage She Needed

She Was Terrified to Tell Her Boyfriend. The year was 2011. Natalia* was afraid she was pregnant. She wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t want an abortion – but she also didn’t want to raise a child right now. It was overwhelming. Natalia was terrified to tell her boyfriend, Jeremy*. How would he react? … Continued

A Little Boy is Here Because of You

Thank you for giving life to Caden. “He’s alive today because of you,” Alyssa* told us. Alyssa recently came to our clinic with her five-year old son, Caden*. We’d first “met” Caden six years earlier when Alyssa came to our clinic for an ultrasound. At the time abortion had seemed like a solution to an … Continued

The Best Tool

Molly* has struggled with substance abuse all her adult life. She’s been in and out of rehab and done better and worse. The end of 2017 was part of the worse. She relapsed. Molly went to get help and started rehab. During this time she met a guy. After she’d been out of rehab and … Continued

She Speaks Their Language

Pierre* and Esther* walked through our doors one morning. They had driven an hour to get to our clinic. They were desperate. Esther was pregnant and feeling so sick that she was unable to continue working. However, if she had to quit her job, their financial difficulties would be compounded. She would probably have to … Continued

Look! A Pivotal Picture

“Look!” Ryan* told our Fatherhood Specialist, holding up a black and white ultrasound photo of his tiny preborn child. He was grinning from ear to ear. But just a couple weeks earlier, his girlfriend, Stephanie*, held the secret that she was pregnant. When she first came to our clinic, Stephanie was afraid to tell Ryan … Continued

Helping Fathers Step Up

“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit” (Matt.1:18). What an extraordinary way to bring Jesus into the world. There were a lot of other ways God … Continued